PNR Status App Privacy Policy

PNRStatusApp (the "app") does not collect offer share any personal information.
This app only provides a convenience to store/save PNR Numbers that the user enters
This app is not official or endorsed by Indian Rail.
(The official website is:

The "PNR Number" that you enter is saved in an internal database for retrieval on app startup.
No part of the PNR information retrieved from the internet is persisted by the app.
The app uses third party services which may or may not provide accurate results, which may change their interfaces without notice.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to [ at]

The privacy policy for this app was last updated on 10 Jul 2024

Contact us by sending a message

Have a feedback about our website or services, need technology consulting for a web or mobile project, or anything else. Please send us a message.

Refer to the website's Privacy Policy